Validation Body

Middlesex University


PCI College has been a proud collaborative partner of Middlesex University since 2001


PCI College has been a proud collaborative partner of Middlesex University since 2001. The nature of this collaboration ensures that PCI College continues to design and deliver programmes to the very highest of academic standards, quality assured by a British University with an international reputation for excellence.


Middlesex University only validates programmes that meet the highest standards in academic provision and practitioner training. The programme that you are seeking to embark on has been designed to ensure that you receive a rigorous training in both the theory and practice  of Counselling & Psychotherapy.


To ensure the high standards and quality of Middlesex University provision, all programmes are subject to the University’s academic quality assurance procedures (which include those procedures related to programme approval, monitoring and review). A key feature of these processes is the input from external subject experts (External Examiners) who ensure that Middlesex University awards are comparable to those of other UK higher education institutions, and that the programme curriculum, teaching, assessment and resources are appropriate.


The partnership between PCI College and Middlesex University is collaborative in more than name only. As well as providing quality assurance for all our validated courses, support and guidance is always to hand from their excellent academic staff and quality enhancement teams on a day to day basis. Both PCI College and Middlesex University appoint Link Tutors who are senior members of the academic team who liaise on a regular basis. Both are jointly responsible for ensuring the programmes are delivered according to the arrangements agreed when they were approved. Both Link Tutors attend the Board of Study meetings where they hear the views of students on the programme, however you can contact either if you have a query or suggestion. The Link Tutor at PCI College for all Middlesex University validated programmes is Antoinette Stanbridge ( and the Institutional Link Tutor at Middlesex University is Dr. Antonia Bifulco (


With an established reputation for excellence and expertise in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, Middlesex University currently collaborates with fifteen other colleges across the United Kingdom and further afield, as well as providing robust psychology and psychotherapy training programmes at their London and overseas campus. PCI College is their only Irish partner and all students at PCI college on Middlesex validated degrees and masters programmes are also Middlesex University students with access to a range of services including an online library.


Although you will enrol and attend PCI College, all Counselling and Psychotherapy programmes are validated by Middlesex University, therefore, you are a student of both. Within Middlesex University the BSc (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy is part of the School of Science and Technology.

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Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
